Calm Christmas: Five Ways To Beat Stress On The Big Day
Photo Credit: State Farm
There are just over three weeks left until December 25th! If that phrase makes you feel just a little faint, don’t worry you’re not the only one, then you'll love our guide on how to stay cool, calm and collected not only in the run-up but more importantly how to enjoy Christmas Day itself!
Photo Credit: Chez Mummy
Stay Organised
It may sound somewhat obvious, but things are easier when we break them down into little bite-size chunks. Start by writing a list of everything that needs doing, try not to panic, and then work out what needs doing when. For example, one night you could set aside time to write your Christmas cards and another evening work out the stocking gifts. A Christmas Planner is perfect for busy moms; they have color coded sections and that way, once you’ve got all the basics sorted i.e. budget, gift ideas, and food you’ll soon be feeling on top of things.
Photo Credit: Mats Hagwall
Know Your Menu Inside Out
Many people say that Christmas dinner is just a glorified roast but with more potatoes, vegetables, sides and, well, extra everything. In a way, they're right, but it can be a little more complicated. Try to spend some time figuring out just what you’re going to be serving and when? What vegetarian and vegan options are there? Timings are also somewhat important because there’s only so much an overstuffed oven can hold. Make sure you’ve got a rough timetable, building in time for minor delays, so you’re not worried about the fact that the turkey actually should’ve gone in five minutes ago!
Photo Credit: Simon Doggett
Call In The Cavalry
No matter whose house is hosting things are bound to be a little crowded, but hey that’s all part of the festive fun! However, all those extra people mean one thing - extra pairs of hands! Delegate small tasks such as setting the table, arranging the decorations, and pouring cocktails to other family members so you can focus on the big stuff i.e. how to get a large tray of roast potatoes in the oven while a relative’s asking about the fancy wine glasses and the 'other' presents.
Photo Credit: Matt Buck
Today Television Is Your Friend
Christmas Day is fantastic for everyone, but it’s extra special for anyone under 18 and simply magical for those under 10. Chances are, the kids will have been awake since 5am and frantically tearing into their stockings not long after. There are some brilliant children’s films out this year which are perfect for quality sofa time with granny, dad or the cousins while you’re busy in the kitchen. They’ll soon be as quiet as mice thanks to all the awesome
Netflix kids movies available.
Photo Credit: James Petts
Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff
In the end, Christmas is about getting together with family and friends, enjoying the holiday season and watching the kids faces light up as they open their presents from Santa. It’s not the end of the world if the tableware doesn’t match 100% or if your gift wrapping skills aren’t quite up to par, half the fun is tearing off the shiny paper anyway!
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